The Cascadia Coastal Hazards Research Coordination Network (abbreviated to RCN) brings together researchers, practitioners, and stakeholders who seek to mitigate the geohazards on coastal communities in the Pacific Northwest. The goal of the RCN is to co-develop research agendas and establish new collaborations that cross disciplinary and institutional boundaries. The RCN is funded by a 3-year grant from NSF as part of their Coastlines and People program (NSF Award Number 1940034).
The RCN is closely aligned with two parallel efforts that are focused on natural hazards in Cascadia, the Cascadia Coastlines and Peoples Hazards Research HUB (abbreviated to Cascadia CoPes HUB) and CoPe EAGER project. Both projects are also funded by NSF.
The Cascadia CoPes HUB is conducting research and engaging coastal communities with two overarching goals: (1) seek fundamental advances in convergent coastal hazard sciences that will transform our understanding of the risk faced by coastal communities in the Pacific Northwest, and (2) engage communities through the co-production of strategies that will incease the adaptive capacity, broaden participation, and achieve equitable and just disaster risk reduction.
The CoPe EAGER project develops and evaluates new public communication tools for coastal resilience through the use of geo-narratives. The team leverages scientific advances in localized modeling of hazardous geo-environmental processes and local community history to produce interactive, science-and-data-rich narratives through multimedia storytelling, story-mapping, and 3D visualizations.